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Therapist Status: LifeStar Alumni, No Longer Active at the Salt Lake Clinic

Tanya Borough


Tanya draws upon deep life experience to address Betrayal Trauma for individuals, couples, and groups with a soft spoken, yet clear vision for healing.

Therapist Profile

Tanya is first and foremost a mother to her ten children and co-conspirator with her husband. She loves the amazing Utah mountains and national parks but misses the vibrant cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity of her New Mexico upbringing. You will find a hefty stash of Hatch green chili in her freezer at all times and she swoons over turquoise jewelry. With ten years experience as a therapist, her fortitude, compassion, understanding and wisdom will help guide you through the pitfalls and unexpected or unwanted challenges life may have thrown at you. She will patiently and unflinchingly believe in your ability to overcome and thrive, even when you don’t believe in yourself.

“Everything you are feeling is okay to feel. We are meant to experience the full range of human emotions, including anger.”

Education & Certifications

Compassion Focused Therapy

Gottman Level 1

Mindful Sexuality

LI - Lifespan Integration - continuing training

Emotional Freedom Technique

M.A. University of Utah - Social Work

B.S. Brigham Young University - Social Work



Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl 

How finding meaning in our suffering and pain helps us overcome.

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp 

A poetic book about the transformative power of gratitude to help us heal and thrive.

And They Were Not Ashamed by Laura Brotherson 

Healthy sexuality for a Latter-Day Saint audience.

Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline by Becky A. Bailey PhD 

Great parenting book that I also recommend for parenting your inner child.

The Speed of Trust by Steven M. R. Covey 

Don’t let the title fool you, building and/or rebuilding trust takes patience and hard work, but this business book will teach principles for how to do it effectively and why it's essential in intimate relationships. Beyond that it's a great book for improving your life.

From Disgrace to Amazing Grace by John Newton 

A powerful redemption story about the author of the song Amazing Grace that gives hope for the worst of us and shows that healing and thriving is possible no matter how low you've sunk.