Teleconferencing Your Therapy
The LifeStar Salt Lake team is happy to offer fully remote therapeutic services facilitated by secure video chat.
Please feel free to set appointments, and work with your individual LifeStar Therapist to arrange an online meeting.
Public Health & Safety
Amidst the very real threat to public health from the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus), LifeStar Salt Lake is closely following and fully compliant with United States Federal and the State of Utah guidelines as they are published.
Currently, there are suggested restrictions for meeting in our office, but Individual, Couples, and Group Therapy all fall under the most recent CDC recommendation of "no gatherings over 10." You can work with your Therapist to set up what is appropriate for your circumstances.
Your Car "Waiting Room" Option
If you and your therapist have chosen to meet at our office, and you are not symptomatic, please consider waiting in your car for your appointment.
Please make sure you have your therapist's contact info prior to your appointment and "check in" (likely via text messaging) once you've arrived in the parking lot. Your therapist will then let you know when you can come directly into their office bypassing the waiting rooms.
General Recommended Guidelines
- Social Distancing: Informative article with interactive graphics on how we can all contribute to "Flattening the Curve"
- Hand Washing: Video from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the proper technique
- Mitigating Risks: Recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- If Feeling Sick: Call the Utah Coronavirus Information Line 1-800-456-7707
Our HIPAA Compliant Solution For Conferencing With Your LifeStar Therapist is Zoom

LifeStar Salt Lake uses the multiple platforms like Google G Suite, TherapyPartner, and Zoom to make sure that all our online services like email, scheduling, and video conferencing are HIPAA compliant.
After you have an appointment arranged, your Therapist will send you an email or text message with the session details. You'll need a workstation (computer or laptop) or mobile device (tablet or smartphone) with a camera and microphone to participate. Simply follow the link in the message and Zoom will lead you through joining the meeting.
Get The Zoom Apps
It is easy to get Zoom on your computer or mobile device for FREE. Check out these resources for your device:
- On Your Computer: Browser-based Web App
- iOS App Store: Apple Devices (iPhones, iPads)
- Google Play Store: Android Devices